Scientific Name: Toxorhynchites (Toxorhynchites) speciosus
Size: Total Length 12 mm
What does it look like?
The adult Predatory Mosquito, or Elephant Mosquito, is large, dark and shiny, with strongly backwards-curved proboscis. The abdomen has large paler patches and hairy tufts at rear, and the legs have pale subterminal bands. The male has bushy antennae.
Where is it found?
It has been recorded through coastal eastern Australia, from southern Cape York Peninsula, Qld to around Sydney, NSW.
What are its habitats & habits?
Inhabits a range of vegetated areas containing waterbodies, which are required for larval development, and regularly enters gardens. Adults feed on nectar, sap, and other plant juices. Female does not require a blood meal for egg production, so is not attracted to humans and does not bite them. Larvae prey on other mosquito larvae, including their own species.
This species features in my book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Insects of Australia