Scientific Name: Multiple species
Size: Total Length 1-9mm
What does it look like?
Characterized by long, slender legs. Most species metallic green or bronze, occasionally yellow, and banded with black, but a few can be dull brown or black. Abdomen often slender and wings long, narrow and membranous, with reduced venation and varying black markings. Eyes usually green or red.
Where is it found?
More than 7,000 species known worldwide, including over 1,400 in Australasia/Oceania, with many more to be formally described. Representatives widespread in Australia.
What are its habitats & habits?
Found in a variety of habitats. Commonly seen walking on foliage, tree trunks, rocks, moist ground and occasionally surfaces of still ponds. Adults prey on softbodied invertebrates, including aphids, mites and thrips. Larvae hunt and scavenge under bark, or in ground litter or soil, for other insect larvae.
This species features in my book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Insects of Australia