by Peter Rowland | Friday, October 16, 2020
Barking Spider Scientific Name: Selenocosmia stirlingi Size: TL 60mm What does it look like? The Barking Spider is a large, hairy spider with no pattern on the abdomen, large fangs and long legs with thick, hairy feet. The spinnerets are long and finger-like. Males...
by Peter Rowland | Friday, October 16, 2020
Beautiful Badge Huntsman Scientific Name: Neosparassus calligaster Size: TL 20mm What does it look like? The Beautiful Badge Huntsman is a large, long legged spider, with a conspicuous shield shaped ‘badge’ on the underside of the abdomen. Generally orange-brown to...
by Peter Rowland | Thursday, October 22, 2020
Black House Spider Scientific Name: Badumna insignis Size: Total Length 19mm What does it look like? The Black House Spider appears dark brownish or greyish to blackish, with a white flecked pattern on the dorsal surface. The female has a large bulbous abdomen, while...
by Peter Rowland | Saturday, October 17, 2020
Common Brown Trapdoor Scientific Name: Misgolas gracilis Size: Carapace Length 8.82 mm What does it look like? The Common Brown Trapdoor Spider is generally dark brown, usually with paler brown bands on the abdomen, and with a fine covering of paler brown hairs on the...
by Peter Rowland | Monday, October 26, 2020
Eastern Mouse Spider Scientific Name: Missulena bradleyi Size: Total Length 25mm What does it look like? The Eastern Mouse Spider is a stocky, uniformly black spider, with an enlarged cephalothorax and basal part of fangs, and males with a whitish or pale blue spot on...