Australian King Parrot

Australian King Parrot

Australian King Parrot Adult Male Female Scientific Name: Alisterus scapularis Size: 42 cm What does it look like? The Australian King Parrot is a striking bird. Adult males have an entirely red head, orange bill and pale green shoulder stripe, the female has a dark...
Crimson Rosella

Crimson Rosella

Crimson Rosella Scientific Name: Platycercus elegans Size: Total Length 32-36 cm What does it look and sound like? Although the adult Crimson Rosella is unmistakable in its rich crimson plumage and bright blue cheeks, young birds have caused much confusion.  Most...
Orange-bellied Parrot

Orange-bellied Parrot

Orange-bellied Parrot Scientific Name: Neophema chrysogaster Size: Around 20 cm What does it look and sound like? The Orange-bellied Parrot, or OBP as it is often called, is generally grassy green above, with a yellow chest, orange belly, and a blue band above the...
Turquoise Parrot

Turquoise Parrot

Turquoise Parrot Scientific Name: Neophema pulchella  Size: around 20 cm What does it look and sound like? The small Turquoise Parrot shows strong sexual dimorphism. The male has a turquoise head, yellow underparts and an olive-green back. While the median, outer...
Green Rosella

Green Rosella

Green Rosella Scientific Name: Platycercus caledonicus Size: Total Length 33 to 37 cm What does it look like? This solidly-built parrot is Australia’s largest rosella. The Green Rosella is more yellow when mature, with a blue throat patch and reddish forehead and...

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