

Donkey Scientific Name: Equus asinus Size: TL c.2.5m, including Tail c.0.6m What does it look like? Upperparts typically pale grey-brown with a short dark mane, and dark line down shoulders and along back. Muzzle, ring around eye and underparts whitish. Ears long and...
Australian Fur-seal

Australian Fur-seal

Australian Fur-seal Scientific Name: Arctocephalus pusillus Size: TL 1.36–2.27m What does it look like? Australian Fur-seal adult males are much larger than females and young males, grey-brown (darker with age), with long silvery mane of coarse hair on neck and...
Australian Sea-lion

Australian Sea-lion

Australian Sea-lion Scientific Name: Neophoca cinerea Size: TL 1.3–2.25m What does it look like? The Australian Sea-lion adult male is larger than the female, with thickened neck and chest. Coat (pelage) brown to blackish (becoming darker with age), and paler...
Common or Bare-nosed Wombat

Common or Bare-nosed Wombat

Common or Bare-nosed Wombat Scientific Name: Vombatus ursinus Size: 725-1,175mm TL, including tail 25 mm What does it look like? The Bare-nosed or Common Wombat is stocky, with a large, flattened head, short limbs and powerful claws for digging. Greyish-brown to...
Black Fruit-bat

Black Fruit-bat

Black Fruit-bat Scientific Name: Pteropus alecto Size: HB 185–280mm; FA 153–191mm What does it look like? The Black Fruit-bat is predominantly black, occasionally with white flecks on belly fur, and often with reddish-brown fur on rear of neck. Eyes reddish, with...

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