by Peter Rowland | Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Border Thick-tailed Gecko Scientific Name: Uvidicolus sphyrurus Size: 70mm SVL (Snout-Vent Length) What does it look like? The Border Thick-tailed Gecko is grey-brown, with numerous white spots and black speckling above, the spots forming loose transverse bands....
by Peter Rowland | Monday, October 26, 2020
Crowned Gecko Scientific Name: Lucasium stenodactylum Size: 55 mm (Snout Vent Length) What does it look like? The Crowned Gecko is variable, but generally pinkish brown to reddish brown above, normally with a pale vertebral stripe from the nape to the base of the...
by Peter Rowland | Sunday, November 15, 2020
Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko Scientific Name: Saltuarius swaini Size: Snout Vent Length 130 mm What does it look like? The Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko is either brown or olive-grey above, with 3–5 paler cream-grey blotches along back and similarly coloured bands on...
by Peter Rowland | Monday, October 19, 2020
Phasmid Striped Gecko Scientific Name: Strophurus taeniatus Size: Snout Vent Length 50 mm What does it look like? The Phasmid Striped Gecko is a small, slender-bodied gecko, with gradually tapering, cylindrical tail and thin limbs. Pale grey to brown above, with...
by Peter Rowland | Sunday, October 18, 2020
House Gecko Scientific Name: Hemidactylus frenatus Size: Snout Vent Length 65 mm What does it look like? The House Gecko (or Asian House Gecko) is whitish, pinkish-brown or dark grey above, with series of tubercles along back and edges of tail, and either...