Green Python

Green Python

Green Python Scientific Name: Morelia viridis Size: Total Length 1.7m What does it look like? The Green python is unmistakable. Emerald-green above with a few scattered white spots on sides and longitudinal row of white or yellowish scales that follow prominent...
Carpet Python

Carpet Python

Carpet Python Scientific Name: Morelia spilota Size: Total Length 3 m What does it look like? The Carpet Python is a highly variable large python. Generally, blackish, brownish or olive-green above, with greenish-yellow spots, irregular bright yellow stripes, or pale...
Black-headed Python

Black-headed Python

Black-headed Python Scientific Name: Aspidites melanocephalus Size: TL 2.5m What does it look like? The Black-headed Python is a moderately sized, smooth-scaled python, with cylindrical body and head similar in thickness to neck. Cream, yellowish or light brown, with...


Woma Scientific Name: Aspidites ramsayi Size: Total Length up to 2 m What does it look like? The Woma is smooth-scaled and moderately sized body, with head similar in thickness to neck. Yellowish, pale brown or light olive above, with irregular dark brown to...

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