Common or Bare-nosed Wombat

Common or Bare-nosed Wombat

Common or Bare-nosed Wombat Scientific Name: Vombatus ursinus Size: 725-1,175mm TL, including tail 25 mm What does it look like? The Bare-nosed or Common Wombat is stocky, with a large, flattened head, short limbs and powerful claws for digging. Greyish-brown to...
Black-footed Rock-wallaby

Black-footed Rock-wallaby

Black-footed Rock-wallaby Scientific Name: Petrogale lateralis Size: TL 853–1,160mm, including tail 407–605mm What does it look like? The Black-footed Rock-wallaby is generally dark brown, streaked with silver above, more greyish on shoulders, with white and dark...
Common Ringtail Possum

Common Ringtail Possum

Common Ringtail Possum Scientific Name: Pseudocheirus peregrinus Size: 600-760 mm TL, including tail 300-380 mm. What does it look like? The Common Ringtail Possum is pale greyish to reddish-orange above, paler below, and with white patches behind eyes and ears. Tail...
Common Wallaroo

Common Wallaroo

Common Wallaroo Scientific Name: Osphranter robustus Size: TL 1,550–2,000 mm, including tail 750–900 mm What does it look like? The Common Wallaroo is heavily built (especially males), with shaggy fur and a characteristic hunched stance. Dark grey, yellowish-brown to...
Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Eastern Grey Kangaroo Scientific Name: Macropus giganteus Size: TL 1,404–2,400mm, including tail 430–1100mm What does it look like? The Eastern Grey Kangaroo is grey to brownish-grey above, paler on face and hindlegs, and paler grey to whitish below. Head with...

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