by Peter Rowland | Thursday, October 22, 2020
Blue-breasted Fairywren Male Female Scientific Name: Malurus pulcherrimus Size: 15 cm What does it look like? The Blue-breasted Fairy-wren is easily confused with the Red-winged Fairy-wren M. elegans (south) and the Inland Variegated Fairy-wren M. lamberti assimilis...
by Peter Rowland | Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Splendid Fairywren Male (breeding) Male (non-breeding) Scientific Name: Malurus splendens Size: around 14 cm What does it look like? The Splendid Fairywren male’s breeding plumage is striking, consisting almost entirely of pale and dark blue, although some subspecies...
by Peter Rowland | Monday, October 26, 2020
Superb Fairywren Male Female Scientific Name: Malurus cyaneus Size: 14 to 16 cm What does it look and sound like? Adult male Superb Fairywrens are the most brightly coloured of the species, especially during the breeding season. They have rich blue and black plumage...
by Peter Rowland | Saturday, October 24, 2020
Variegated Fairywren Scientific Name: Malurus lamberti Size: 14 to 15 cm What does it look like? The bright blue, purple, chestnut, black and white plumage is found only in the male of the Variegated Fairywren, females and young birds are brownish to pale blue-grey in...
by Peter Rowland | Monday, October 19, 2020
White-winged Fairywren Scientific Name: Malurus leucopterus Size: 11 to 13 cm What does it look like? The male White-winged Fairywren is spectacularly coloured, even more so when assessed against the backdrop of reddish soil of the interior. The cobalt blue mixed with...