Australian Wood Duck

Australian Wood Duck

Australian Wood Duck Male (left); Female (right) Scientific Name: Chenonetta jubata Size: 42 to 60 cm What does it look like? The Australian Wood Duck is identified by its brown head, grey and black back and wings, and speckled underparts. The male is larger and has a...
Grey Teal

Grey Teal

Grey Teal Scientific Name: Anas gibberfrons Size: 40 to 48 cm What does it look like? The Grey Teal is almost all grey-brown. Each feather of the body is edged with buff, except on the rump. The chin and throat are white, the bill is dark blue grey and the eye is red....
Musk Duck

Musk Duck

Musk Duck Scientific Name: Biziura lobata Size: Total Length 47-73cm (males much larger than females) What does it look like? The male Musk Duck arguably has the unfortunate reputation of being perhaps the most grotesque looking of all of Australia’s birds, due to a...
Wandering Whistling-Duck

Wandering Whistling-Duck

Wandering Whistling-Duck Scientific Name: Dendrocygna arcuata Size: 54 to 60 cm What does it look like? The Wandering Whistling-Duck plumage is generally dark, brown on the back, rear of neck and top of head, and chestnut-brown on the belly, with conspicuous white...

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