Scientific Name: Simosyrphus grandicornis
Size: Total Length 10-15mm
What does it look like?
The Yellow-shouldered Stout Hoverfly, or Common Hoverfly, has a yellow body, with black, crescent-shaped barring on the upper surface of the abdomen, forming large yellow spots, and black on the upper thorax. Eyes very large and compound, larger and close to touching in males, and antennae yellow. Wings transparent, with false margin on the rear edge.
Where is it found?
Widespread throughout Australia, where it is native, but has also been introduced to many countries throughout the Pacific.
What are its habitats & habits?
The Yellow-shouldered Stout Hoverfly is common and widespread, particularly abundant in areas where flowering plants are found, where adults most often observed hovering near flowers, alighting at times to feed on pollen and nectar. Larvae feed on aphids and other soft-bodied arthropods.
This species features in my book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Insects of Australia