Stripe-faced Dunnart

A Stripe-faced Dunnart foraging on bare soil
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Scientific Name: Sminthopsis macroura

Size: 155-200 mm TL, including tail 80-100 mm

What does it look like?

The Stripe-faced Dunnart is greyish-brown, washed with yellowish on face, with blackish longitudinal line on top of head. Underparts, including feet, white. Tail swollen at base (used as fat storage), and similar in length to head-body.

Where is it found?

Throughout arid and semi-arid mainland, from western WA, through inland NT and SA to central and western Qld and north-western NSW.

What are its habitats & habits?

The Stripe-faced Dunnart inhabits woodlands, shrublands and tussock grasslands, where it sleeps during the day in soil cracks and forages on the ground for insects and other arthropods. Female has 8 teats, with around 6 young in a litter. The young are weaned at around 10 weeks.

Interesting facts

Three subspecies currently recognised, S. m. macroura in central east, S. m. froggatti in central Australia and S. m. stalkeri in the west.

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A Naturalist's Guide to the Mammals of Australia front cover

This species features in my book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Mammals of Australia

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