Silver Gull

A Silver Gull flying over the ocean
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Scientific Name: Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae 

Size: 40 to 45 cm

What does it look like?

The Silver Gull is the smallest of the resident Australian gulls.  In adult birds the plumage is grey above, with a white head, neck and underparts; younger birds have varying amounts of brown mottling on the back and wings.  Adult birds also differ from the young in having conspicuous red-orange legs, bill and eye-ring; these are black to brown in younger birds.

Where is it found?

The Silver Gull is common and widespread throughout Australia and is found at virtually any watered area. Besides its Australian distribution, the species is also found in New Zealand and New Caledonia.

What are its habitats & habits?

While it may be observed at great distances inland, it seldom ranges far out to sea, but birds will flock in high numbers around fishing boats as they leave or return to the coast.  As with many other gull species, the Silver Gull has become a successful commensal of humans and readily begs for handouts of food scraps.

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Front cover of Australia's Birdwatching Megaspots book showing a picture of an Eastern Spinebill

This species features in my book Australia’s Birdwatching Megaspots

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