Humpback Whale

A pod of Humpback Whales migrating northwards along the east coast of Australia
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Scientific Name: Megaptera novaeangliae

Size: Total Length 18m

What does it look like?

The Humpback Whale is greyish-black above and sharply contrasting white below. Flippers long and slender (up to 5m) with knobs with barnacles on trailing edge. Tail flukes have black-and-white markings that are different in each individual.

Where is it found?

Within Australian waters, most numerous along east and west coasts.

What are its habitats & habits?

The Humpback Whale is found in coastal waters, as it travels south in summer to feed on krill in Antarctic waters, and returns northwards to winter calving and breeding areas in warmer subtropical and tropical waters. Interesting fact: Well known for dramatic breaches, often rolling or spinning in the air and landing horizontally.

Interesting facts

Whaling drove the species to near extinction. But since the 1980s (when whaling was largely banned) Humpback Whale numbers have rebounded. In February 2022 it was officially announced that the species would be removed from the Endangered Species list.

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This species features in my book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Mammals of Australia

A Naturalist's Guide to the Mammals of Australia front cover

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