House Mouse

A House Mouse foraging for food amongst the ground litter
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Scientific Name: Mus musculus

Size: Total Length 9 cm (plus tail 10 cm)

What does it look like?

The House Mouse is pale brown to blackish, with whitish or pale brown belly. Tail mostly naked, with circular annulations (rows) of scales.

Where is it found?

Introduced, most likely from the Mediterranean. Found in suitable habitats throughout Australia, often in close association with humans.

What are its habitats & habits?

The House Mouse is nocturnal, and found in a range of habitats, including urban and natural habitats, this adaptability has allowed them to thrive. Mice usually live in cracks or within a complex network of underground tunnels often constructed under cover such as debris. Food typically consists of seeds and other plant material, small invertebrates and human food.

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A Naturalist's Guide to the Dangerous Creatures of Australia front cover

This species features in my book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Dangerous Creatures of Australia

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