Scientific Name: Dendrelaphis punctulatus
Size: Total Length 1.6m
What does it look like?
The Green Tree Snake is variable based on distribution. Olive-green or blue-grey above in south-east, black further north-east, and yellow with blue-grey or brown head across north. Pale blue skin, which appears as flecks between body scales, visible during threat display. Typically has bright yellow throat and paler yellow underparts, but can also be greenish, bluish or white.
Where is it found?
Coastal and sub-coastal northern and eastern Australia, from Kimberley region of WA, through northern NT, northern and eastern Qld, to south of Sydney NSW.
What are its habitats & habits?
The Green Tree Snake, or Common Tree Snake, occurs in a wide range of vegetated habitats, including open forests, rainforests, mangroves and suburban gardens. Diurnal and arboreal, but also forages on the ground, sheltering during the night in tree hollows and rock crevices. Feeds mainly on frogs and birds, but also eats small reptiles and mammals. Oviparous, laying 3–12 (average 8) eggs in a clutch. Non-venomous, but flattens neck and anterior body and produces an unpleasant odour if threatened.
This species features in my book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Reptiles of Australia