Fungus-eating Ladybird

An adult Fungus-eating Ladybird on the leaf of a pumpkin plant


A Fungus-eating Ladybird nymph on a leaf


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Scientific Name: Illeis galbula

Size: Total Length 4-5 mm

What does it look like?

Adults are bright yellow with broad jagged black bands across elytra and black midline. Fungus-eating Ladybird larvae have six legs, first segment of elongated body yellow, remainder grey, each segment conspicuously marked with black dots.

Where is it found?

Found in eastern Australia and introduced into NZ.

What are its habitats & habits?

The Fungus-eating Ladybird occurs on trees and shrubs in vegetated habitats, including parks and gardens, where it is active during the day and fast moving. If disturbed, adults employ a drop and fly away method to escape. Both adults and larvae feed on fungus of the genus Oidium that cause powdery mildew and other fungus; adults may also feed on aphids, black mould and pollen.

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Cover of the book, A Naturalist's Guide to the Insects of Australia

This species features in my book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Insects of Australia

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