Common Spotted Ladybird

A Common Spotted Ladybird climbing up a thin pine needle

Scientific Name: Harmonia conformis

Size: Total Length 7-10mm

What does it look like?

The Common Spotted Ladybird adults are bright orange to reddish with around 20 large black spots on elytra and pronotum, some of which may pool together. Larvae blackish and ant-like after hatching, later developing yellow tubercles and two yellow-orange bands on abdomen.

Where is it found?

Native to eastern and southern Australia, including Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas, south-eastern SA and south-western WA. Introduced to New Zealand.

What are its habitats & habits?

The Common Spotted Ladybird occurs in range of vegetation types, including urban parks and gardens. Both adults and larvae are predators of soft-bodied invertebrates, such as aphids, scale insects and mites, but will also feed on honeydew. Larvae progress through four stages, shedding outer skin between each stage, and growing to around 12mm in length before pupating into adult form, which last for around two months.

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This species features in my book A Naturalist’s Guide to the Insects of Australia

Cover of the book, A Naturalist's Guide to the Insects of Australia

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