Silver Gull seizing pilchard in flight, with head in upside-down position
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A Silver Gull snatches a piece of fish from the sand.

June marks the half way point in my (Little) Big Year. At the end of May I was still a whopping 231 species short of my primary target of 400 Australian bird species for the 2015 calendar year, and 42 short of my secondary target of 50 new Australian bird species for my life list.

Even though my total of 169 species is almost at the half way mark, the most common bird species have already been ticked off. It gets harder and harder as the year goes on unless, of course, I get to go to different places in Australia.

Was unable to do any serious birding for the whole of June, working 26 days straight in the office. A massive setback! A month of zero, plus being half way through the year now, has made things look very grim indeed.

June is the start of Winter in Australia, and it is also the end of the financial year for businesses. In my wisdom, I decided that July 2015 would be the perfect time to introduce two new software packages in at work: New Accounting package and New Time Sheet/Wages Package. Now end End Of Financial Year (EOFY) is crazy enough in my company, but introducing new software at the same time was crazy. Of course, it is not only the new software, it is the training, the IT setup for the new wireless network to run the new tablets for the new time sheet software, and making sure that the new systems kick off where the old systems finish. The clincher is that, although there were other people to help with some of implementation, I was the only person who could do the bulk of the work. Come the end of the month, I was over it – well and truly.

Almost no birding for the month, and no new birds on the rare moments that I did look for some.

June’s New Hatchlings for my (Little) Big Year List:


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